What's more relaxing than drinking coffee and coding?
SignalR Chatroom
Implemented a simple chatroom web application, utilizing AngularJS and ASP.NET SignalR. When a user logs in, the username will be appended to the "online" list and a message will be appended to the chat box, indicating that the user has joined. SignalR allows all connected users to see these changes to the DOM in real-time. I learned these technologies as the result of my internship in the summer of 2017.
You can see the source code here.
Battleship Game
Implemented a "Pass and Play" battleship game using JavaScript. This was done for my "Programming Languages For Web Applications" class. I learned about using regular expressions to parse strings, event listeners, and manipulation of the Document Object Model.
You can see the source code here.
Budget Calculator
Implemented a restful budget calculator using Flask and AJAX. This was done for my "Programming Languages For Web Applications" class.
You can see the source code here.
Catering application
Implemented a Catering App using Flask and SQLAlchemy. I learned about database relationships (one to one, one to many, and many to many) and setting up appropiate flask models. This was done for my "Programming Languages For Web Applications" class.
For this project, the following relationips are used:
- Staff & Event: Many to Many relationship. Staff can signup for events and each event can have up to 3 staff members.
- Customer & Event: One to Many relationship. Each Customer can request more than 1 event.
You can see the source code here.
Graphic Library
Implemented a double buffered graphics library, written in C for linqux(QEMU used). This program can draw pixels and lines on the command line. For this project I learned about memory-mapped IO. Specifically, the framebuffer was mapped to memory. This allowed me to random access the buffer via addresses. I also learned that double buffering can allow graphics to render smoothly. This was done for my Operating System's class
You can see the source code here.
Unix Shell
Implemented a Unix shell using C. It uses strtok to parse user input and supports the following methods:
- Change Directory (cd)
- Exit (exit)
- Any unix command (e.g ls, vim, nano, more, cat). Input redirection is also supported(">, >>, <").
You can see the source code here.
Maze Game
Implemented a simple maze game for MARS, written in MIPS Assembly.
You can see the source code here.